Issue Forums
Without hesitation or any regard for the First Amendment, big tech platforms are censoring, silencing, and canceling Conservative voices. They have resorted to this because Leftist ideology cannot compete against articulately expressed Conservatism. Liberty Contenders answers this tech tyranny by incorporating into the rest of the feature set, a way for users to get their messages out, and engage with one another in discourse. Our guidelines will encourage civility, substance, and sourcing. This enables issues to surface, organically, based on credibility, logic, and reason. This, in turn, results in a more informed electorate, increased attention from elected officials, and possible shaping the agendas of their constituent engagements. You will be able to follow the topics and threads that appeal to you, and hide those that do not. Admin-created Issue Forums will be used as a way to facilitate effective public discourse about candidates who do not have a previous political record, but who are on the ballot, in a way that is consistent with our Values and Forum Guidelines.
Within our ranks, this sharpens our arguments and raises up better-equipped candidates. Beyond this, you will be able to share these arguments with you more moderate friends and family. While anyone can read comments, commenters and content moderators must be users of the the site who have agreed to our Values and Community Practices, and who have completed their issues profile. Users have the ability to make their issues profile public or keep it private. Concerns may be raised that we might end up either replicating the bad behavior of big tech platforms or creating somewhat of an echo chamber. To mitigate that risk, we will allow and encourage people to link to arguments on these platforms, and cite common arguments against Conservative positions. In addition, our basis for moderation and removal of comments or users will be vastly more clear than that of the big tech platforms. In addition, we will receive and respond to users suggestions for striking the right balance, and incorporate that feedback into future iterations of the platform. Relevant Issue Forums will be linked granularly to other functional areas of the platform to make discussion and engagement about shared content easy.
That describes the vision of the Issue Forums function of the platform. And as with every function of the system, it can be filtered read and engage in discussions of candidates and issues at the local, state, or national level.